There is this little-known, wonderful Alexa feature: she can sing. You might have enjoyed some of her songs already, as we are continuously updating Alexa’s English US song list. But, Alexa does not only learn new U.S. tunes; she can sing them in many languages and dialects! In this post, we will use this feature for a musical journey around the world. You’ll be amazed how our singing Alexa sounds across the globe! Every song here is a unique little masterpiece.
Please note, though many songs have the same title across the globe, they are completely unique recordings performed by the local Alexa.
One more note, you’ve found a living post. We published this post initially in March 2020 and added three big and many smaller updates since then. A BIG THANK YOU goes to all of you who take the time and share the Alexa Songs you’ve found, questions, and answers in our comments section below! We are continuously updating this post based on your feedback.
Thank you (in alphabetical order): Brandon, Clare, Dylan, Katie, Kay, Kim, and Patricia!
Captain’s Announcement
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking! Welcome to smartenlight flight number 518, non-stop from your couch to Germany, United Kingdom, India, Australia, Canada, Spain, Mexico, United States, Canada, France, Brazil, Italy, Japan and back to your couch.”
“We’re flying a little zigzag pattern today as we’re sticking to Alexa’s language settings, but no worries, we have enough fuel onboard for many musical weekend trips. The weather ahead is good and, therefore, we should have a smooth and uneventful flight. Thank you for choosing smartenlight airlines. Please sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.”
“Oh, I forgot … and please read our music instructions card for best experience!”
Estimated reading time: 43 minutes
Table of contents
- Captain’s Announcement
- Music Instructions Card
- Alexa sings in Germany (Deutsch – Deutschland)
- Alexa sings in the United States (English – United States)
- Alexa, sings in the United Kingdom (English – United Kingdom)
- Alexa sings in India (English – India)
- Alexa sings in Australia (English – Australia)
- Alexa sings in Canada (English – Canada)
- Alexa sings in Spain (Español – Spain)
- Alexa sings in Mexico (Español – México)
- Alexa sings in the United States (Español – United)
- Alexa sings in Canada (Français – Canada)
- Alexa sings in France (Français – France)
- Alexa sings in Italy (Italiano – Italia)
- Alexa sings in Brasil (Português – Brasil)
- Alexa sings in Japan (日本語-日本)
- Conclusion
Music Instructions Card
We will change the language settings of your Amazon Echo (or the Alexa app) on this flight. You can do that easily by:
- Opening your Alexa app
- Tap the ‘More’ button and select “Settings.”
- Tap on “Device Settings”
- On the devices list, please scroll down to your Amazon Echo and tap on it
- Tap on Language and select the language of your destination
There are chances that you don’t speak the language of some of our destinations. Though we strongly encourage you to learn at least “Alexa, sing a song” in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and maybe even English – because it’s super fun – our cabin crew has prepared links to Google translate for every destination. You just need to tap on the Google Translate link and then on the speaker/listen button to let Google tell Alexa to sing a song.
Alexa will sing a random song and sometimes repeat a song many times, which is super boring. Our cabin crew has therefore prepared a song menu with all the songs we could find! You just need to say “Alexa, sing …” (in the right language) and then the song title from the menu, and Alexa will sing what you’d like to hear.
Songs in bold italic are between 20 and 30 seconds long, so they are smartenlight approved international hand-washing songs! You can find more information here: Alexa, Wash my Hands! The fun way of Hand-washing =)
For Alexa songs with a link, we’ve created lovely remixes and cartoon videos. Just tap to enjoy them on our inflight entertainment system.
For our frequent flyers: “(NEW!)” indicates songs we – you, dear frequent traveler, and the flight crew – found on our last roundtrip. You can subscribe to this post to become a frequent flyer and receive updates via e-mail when we find new songs.
For those who already have some favorite Alexa songs in US English: if we found an international version of your song with a different title, we added the US English title next to the song. This way, you can search for your favorite song and check out versions in other languages and dialects.
If you find a song which is not on our menu, you are entitled to post a comment below with the song title and language, and country. We will then update this post with the song and your nickname, and you will stay forever in our International Alexa Song Hall of Fame (this post). If you’re lucky enough to find a hand-washing song, we’ll make your song and nickname, right, bold italic.
Thank you for choosing smartenlight airlines. Enjoy your flight!
Pro-Tip: You can listen to the international songs also with your Alexa app: Tap More / Settings / “Alexa app settings” and change the language.
Alexa sings in Germany (Deutsch – Deutschland)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Hamburg. We won’t land as we’re flying non-stop around the world and then back to your couch. To enjoy 48 German Alexa songs please switch your Amazon Echo language to Deutsch / Deutschland.”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 21 songs from our last update, we’ve found 27 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are still bold italic.
Alexa, sing ein Lied (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, sing ein Lied
Please note, somehow Alexa’s German team managed to “override” the default request “sing a song” with only three songs, duh. You will need to use an Alexa Routine, if you want to hear all the songs, which are sadly currently not accessible with voice.
Das Ed Sheeran Duett (NEW!) (1:36) Alexa vs Ed Sheeran / Duett / I Don’t Care! | Google Translate |
Das Freundschaftslied (NEW!) (a capella) (0:14) | Google Translate |
Das Halloweenlied (NEW!) (0:59) | Google Translate |
Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust (NEW!) (a capella) (0:27) | Google Translate |
Du bist grossartig! (NEW!) (a capella) (0:06) | Google Translate |
Ein Duett (NEW!) (0:49) Duett with both Alexa Voices / Technology | Google Translate |
Happy Birthday Alexa von Michael Buble (a capella) (0:26) | Google Translate |
Ich geh mit meiner Laterne (NEW!) (a capella) (0:30) | Google Translate |
Laterne, Laterne (NEW!) (0:13) | Google Translate |
Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad (NEW!) (a capella) (0:32) | Google Translate |
Sankt Martin (NEW!) (0:23) | Google Translate |
Schneemann bauen (NEW!) (0:48) | Google Translate |
Technologie (0:39) | Google Translate |
Wanderfrust (0:58) In the moonlight tonight | Google Translate |
Willst Du mich heiraten? (NEW!) (0:23) Will you marry me? | Google Translate |
Sing ein Lied (NEW!) (0:15) Ab gehts nach Rügen | Google Translate |
Sing ein Lied (NEW!) (0:11) Sommer, Sonne, Sonnenschein | Google Translate |
Sing ein Lied (NEW!) (0:30) Willkommen Sonnenschein | Google Translate |
Alexa, rappe für mich (Raps)
Google Translate: Alexa, rappe für mich
April-Rap (NEW!) (0:25) | Google Translate |
Mein Name ist Alexa (0:15) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing ein Liebeslied (Love Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, sing ein Liebeslied
Ein Liebeslied (NEW!) (0:27) Never gonna give you up / Duet with both Alexa male/female Voices | Google Translate |
Ein Liebeslied (0:17) Never gonna give you up | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing ein Schlaflied (Lullabies)
Google Translate: Alexa, sing ein Schlaflied
Der Mond ist aufgegangen (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Guten Abend, Gut Nacht (a capella) (0:31) | Google Translate |
Schlaf Kindlein schlaf (a capella) (0:19) | Google Translate |
Träum was schönes (0:23) | Google Translate |
Weisst du wieviel Sternlein stehen (a capella) (0:35) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing ein Kinderlied (Nursery Rhymes)
Googel Translate: Alexa, sing ein Kinderlied
Alle Vögel sind schon da (NEW!) (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Backe, backe Kuchen (NEW!) (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Bi-Ba-Butzemann (a capella) (0:25) | Google Translate |
Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind (NEW!) (a capella) (0:33) | Google Translate |
Ein Männlein steht im Walde (NEW!) (a capella) (0:20) | Google Translate |
Frau Holle schüttelt Ihre Betten aus (NEW!) (a capella) (0:52) | Google Translate |
Hänsel und Gretel (NEW!) (a capella) (0:21) | Google Translate |
Pferdchen lauf Galopp (NEW!) (a capella) (0:14) | Google Translate |
Summ, summ, summ (NEW!) (a capella) (0:17) | Google Translate |
Suse, liebe Suse (NEW!) (a capella) (0:20) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing ein Weihnachtslied (Christmas Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, sing ein Weihnachtslied
Alle Jahre wieder (NEW!) (0:13) | Google Translate |
Ihr Kinderlein kommet (0:10) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (a capella) (0:10) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (0:31) | Google Translate |
Kekse! (0:25) | Google Translate |
Kling Glöckchen (0:06) | Google Translate |
Lasst uns froh und munter sein (a capella) (0:18) | Google Translate |
Oh Tannenbaum (0:33) | Google Translate |
Schneeflöckchen (0:13) | Google Translate |
Surfin Santa (0:48) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in the United States (English – United States)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Alexa’s birthplace! To listen to 63 US English Alexa songs, please switch your Amazon Echo language to English / United States. Thank you!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 56 songs from our last update, we’ve found 7 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic.
Alexa, sing a song
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a song!
When we request:
- Alexa, sing a song!
she’ll come up with a random song. But we can also tell her to sing a particular song:
- Alexa, sing (the song) <songname>
Alexa’s Theme Song (0:42) | Google Translate |
Colonel Doggy (1:11) | Google Translate |
Happy in the Cloud (1:08) | Google Translate |
In the Moonlight Tonight (0:57) – enjoy our funny “In the Moonlight Tonight” cartoon on YouTube | Google Translate |
It’s raining in the cloud (0:57) | Google Translate |
Love Song (0:57) | Google Translate |
Model of a Digital Intelligence (0:51) – explore our post “Alexa, Sing Model of a Digital Intelligence!” with lyrics, our funny remix cartoon, and more information | Google Translate |
Paper Aeroplanes (0:49) | Google Translate |
Sand Beneath Your Toes (0:48) The Summer Song – enjoy our post “Alexa, sing the Summer Song!” with lyrics and chords, our funny remix cartoon and more information. | Google Translate |
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (0:36) | Google Translate |
The Ballad of the Broken S’more (1:10) | Google Translate |
The No Body Blues (1:31) – see our post “Alexa, sing the No Body Blues” with lyrics, our remix cartoon and more information. | Google Translate |
The Pirate Song (0:36) – enjoy our “The Pirate Song” remix cartoon on YouTube. | Google Translate |
The Space Song (1:46) | Google Translate |
The Thank You Song (0:46) Summer Song Cover | Google Translate |
Things that go Bump in the Night (1:04) – enjoy our “Things that go Bump in the Night” remix cartoon on YouTube. | Google Translate |
Will You Marry Me (0:36) – see our “Will You Marry Me” remix cartoon YouTube. | Google Translate |
Woohoo Technology (0:45) – check our funny “Woohoo Technology” cartoon short on YouTube. | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Lullaby
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a lullaby!
The cowboy song (1:34) | Google Translate |
The cowgirl song (1:33) Lonesome Prairie – see our post “Lonesome Prairie” with lyrics, our funny remix cartoon, and more information | Google Translate |
Drift Away (1:08) | Google Translate |
This is What I Think of Love (0:49) | Google Translate |
Alexa, rap for me!
Google Translate: Alexa, rap for me!
Alexa can also rap! You can ask her:
- Alexa, rap for me!
and she’ll come up with a random rap. Like with the songs above, we can also ask her to perform a specific rap song:
- Alexa, sing (the song) <rap song>
Connect Sync Link (0:12) | Google Translate |
Fart Rap (NEW!) (0:33) | Google Translate |
Give it Up For Science (0:42) – see our post “Alexa, sing: Give it up for Science!” with lyrics, our funny remix cartoon, and more information | Google Translate |
It’s Me, Alexa (0:16) – see our post “Alexa, sing it’s me Alexa!” with lyrics, our funny remix cartoon, and more information | Google Translate |
My Name is Alexa (0:15) | Google Translate |
Opening With Sorry (0:15) | Google Translate |
Pi Day (0:23) | Google Translate |
Rap about Anne Sullivan (NEW!) (0:51) | Google Traslate |
Rap about Annie Easly (NEW!) (0:48) | Google Translate |
The Cloud (0:21) – enjoy our funny “The Cloud” remix cartoon on YouTube. | Google Translate |
The Football Song (0:34) | Google Translate |
Your Attention, Please (0:23) | Google Translate |
Alexa, drop some Props!
Google Translate: Alexa, drop some props!
Alexa can drop some props, rap style:
Drop some Props for Alice Austen (NEW!) (0:28) | Google Translate |
Drop some Props for Bessie Coleman (NEW!) (0:56) | Google Translate |
Drop some Props for Beulah Louise Henry (NEW!) (0:34) | Google Translate |
Drop some props for Bill Bojangles Robinson (0:46) | Google Translate |
Drop some props for Grace Hopper (0:28) | Google Translate |
Drop some props for Jackie Robinson (0:23) | Google Translate |
Drop some props for Mark Twain (0:52) | Google Translate |
Drop some props for Mary Jackson (0:44) | Google Translate |
Drop some props for Shirley Chisholm (0:27) | Google Translate |
Drop some Props for Zora Neale Hurston (NEW!) (1:04) | Google Translate |
Alexa, wash my hands!
If you’d like to make sure that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, try this instead of a timer:
Alexa, wash my hands (0:30) Alexa, sing a song for twenty seconds / The Hand-Washing Song | Google Translate |
Alexa currently knows only one hand-washing song, nevertheless we found some ways to make hand-washing more fun: Alexa, Wash my Hands! The fun way of Hand-washing! But you can also use any bold italic song from this post.
Alexa, sing an Independence Day Song
Google Translate: Alexa, sing an Independence Day Song!
And, for the 4th of July, “Alexa, sing an Independence Day song” will shuffle through:
America the Beautiful! (0:38) | Google Translate |
My Country, ’Tis of Thee! (0:28) | Google Translate |
The Star-Spangled Banner (1:13) The National Anthem | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a duet
Alexa’s first duet is released! She replaces Justin Bieber in Ed Sheeran’s new single
Alexa, sing I don’t care! (1:41) Duet / Ed Sheeran and Alexa | Google Translate |
Alexa, (sing) I love you!
Thank you Patricia! We just need to tell Alexa that we love her, and she’ll respond with this song:
I love you (0:21) – Thanks, Patricia! | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Musical
Thank you, Kim! Alexa’s first musical! “Alexa, sing a musical!” or
Alexa, sing: Happy in the cloud! (1:08) – Thanks, Kim! | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Christmas Song
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a Christmas Song!
‘Tis the season! Alexa sing, …
Christmas Rap (0:52) | Google Translate |
Deck The Halls (0:25) | Google Translate |
Good King Wenceslas (0:28) | Google Translate |
I Saw Three Ships (0:16) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (0:39) | Google Translate |
Jolly Old St. Nicholas (0:25) | Google Translate |
O Christmas Tree (0:33) | Google Translate |
O Little Town of Bethlehem (0:41) | Google Translate |
Surfin’ Santa (0:50) | Google Translate |
The Twelve Days of Christmas (0:36) | Google Translate |
Up on the Housetop (0:33) | Google Translate |
We wish you a Merry Christmas (0:26) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sings in the United Kingdom (English – United Kingdom)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching London. Please switch your Amazon Echo language to English / United Kingdom to enjoy 41 UK English Alexa songs.”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 19 songs from our last update, we’ve found 22 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, sing a song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a song!
Alexa vs Santa (NEW!) (0:55) | Google Translate |
Are we there yet? (NEW!) (0:37) | Google Translate |
Colonel Doggy (1:11) | Google Translate |
Daisy Bell (NEW!) (a capella) (0:19) | Google Translate |
Do your ears hang low? (NEW!) (a capella) (0:11) | Google Translate |
English Country Garden (NEW!) (a capella) (0:23) | Google Translate |
For he’s a Jolly Good Fellow (NEW!) (a capella) (0:20) | Google Translate |
For she’s a Jolly Good Fellow (NEW!) (a capella) (0:20) | Google Translate |
Happy Birthday (0:18) | Google Translate |
Happy in the Cloud (1:05) | Google Translate |
Head and Shoulders, knees and toes (NEW!) (a capella) (0:14) | Google Translate |
Humpty Dumpty (NEW!) (a capella) (0:10) | Google Translate |
I Don’t Care (NEW!) (1:40) Duet with Ed Sheehan | Google Translate |
I know a song that’ll get on your nerves (a capella) (0:37) | Google Translate |
It’s a long way to Tipperary (NEW!) (a capella) (0:23) | Google Translate |
Love song (0:36) | Google Translate |
Model of a Digital Intelligence (0:51) | Google Translate |
No Body Blues (1:33) | Google Translate |
Raining in the Cloud (0:54) | Google Translate |
Rock Song (NEW!) (1:17) | Google Translate |
Sea Shanty (0:45) | Google Translate |
Sing a song of Sixpence (NEW!) (a capella) (0:30) | Google Translate |
Sing the Alphabet (NEW!) (a capella) (0:16) | Google Translate |
Thanks for saying I love you! (NEW!) (0:22) | Google Translate |
The Autotune Song (NEW!) (a capella) (1:13) | Google Translate |
The Cat Song (NEW!) (0:37) | Google Translate |
The Space Song (NEW!) (1:46) | Google Translate |
The worm song (NEW!) (a capella) (0:12) | Google Translate |
This is what I think of love (0:53) | Google Translate |
Wash you hands (NEW!) (0:33) | Google Translate |
Alexa, rap for me!
Google Translate: Alexa, rap for me!
Alexa’s Theme Song (0:41) | Google Translate |
Cake Rap (0:34) | Google Translate |
Give it up for science (0:43) | Google Translate |
Pi Rap (0:25) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a lullaby!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a lullaby!
Rock-a-Bye Baby (NEW!) (a capella) (0:16) | Google Translate |
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (NEW!) (a capella) (0:22) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Christmas Song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a Christmas Song!
Deck the Halls (a capella) (0:09) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (a capella) (0:09) | Google Translate |
O Christmas Tree (a capella) (0:12) | Google Translate |
Snacking Santa (0:52) | Google Translate |
We wish you a marry Christmas (a capella) (0:08) | Google Translate |
And, remember, you can request a song directly by saying e.g. “Alexa, sing: I know a song that’ll get on your nerves”. =)
Alexa sings in India (English – India)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Delhi. The cabin crew will offer you free snacks and beverages. Please switch your Amazon Echo language to English / India and enjoy the 15 Alexa tunes.”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 13 songs from our last update, we’ve found two new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, sing a song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a song!
A Love Song (0:54) | Google Translate |
Happy in the Cloud (NEW!) (1:07) | Google Translate |
It happens only in India (2:02) | Google Translate |
Light Up (0:45) | Google Translate |
Sa Re Ga Ma (0:56) | Google Translate |
Science Song (0:43) Give it up for science | Google Translate |
The Clean-Up Song (NEW!) (1:01) | Google Translate |
The Theme Song (0:41) Alexa’s Theme Song | Google Translate |
Alexa, rap for me!
Google Translate: Alexa, rap for me!
Jester (0:14) It’s me Alexa | Google Translate |
Opening with Sorry (0:17) | Google Translate |
Pi Day (0:24) | Google Translate |
Your Attention Please (0:23) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Christmas song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a Christmas Song!
I saw Three Ships (0:13) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (a capella) (0:19) | Google Translate |
Merry Christmas (a capella) (0:12) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Australia (English – Australia)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Sydney. As you’re switching your Amazon Echo to English / Australia, please watch out, this Alexa learns quickly with currently 35 Alexa songs!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 25 songs from our last update, we’ve found 10 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, sing a song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a song!
Alexa’s Theme Song (0:42) | Google Translate |
Are we there yet? (NEW!) (0:37) | Google Translate |
Cat Charleston! (NEW!) (0:37) | Google Translate |
Clean Up! (NEW!) (1:04) | Google Translate |
Colonel Doggy (1:09) | Google Translate |
Country Song (0:55) Raining in the Cloud | Google Translate |
Happy in the Cloud (1:07) Alexa the Musical | Google Translate |
Hooray for Chocolate (0:50) / Chocolate song | Google Translate |
Model of a digital Intelligence (NEW!) (0:54) | Google Translate |
Nightclub song (NEW!) (1:06) | Google Translate |
Pirate Shanty (0:36) The Pirate Song | Google Translate |
Sand Beneath Your Toes (0:54) | Google Translate |
Space Song (NEW!) (0:52) Sing about Space | Google Translate |
The Rock Song (NEW!) (1:09) | Google Translate |
Alexa, rap for me!
Google Translate: Alexa, rap for me!
Do a spooky rap! (1:32) | Google Translate |
Give it Up For Science (0:44) | Google Translate |
Rap about Alexa (0:15) It’s me Alexa | Google Translate |
Rap about farts! (0:31) | Google Translate |
Rap about Grace Hopper (0:28) | Google Translate |
Rap about Maria “Granny” Smith (0:23) | Google Translate |
Rap about pi! (0:22) | Google Translate |
Rap about science! (0:44) | Google Translate |
Rap about space (NEW!) (0:55) | Google Translate |
Rap about the cloud (0:20) | Google Translate |
Rap about The White Mouse – Nancy Wake (0:28) | Google Translate |
Rap about wi-fi (0:13) Connect synch link | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Lullaby
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a lullaby!
Drift Away on the Cloud (1:06) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a love song
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a love song!
Love song (NEW!) (0:53) | Google Translate |
This is what I think of love (NEW!) (0:49) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Christmas song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a Christmas Song!
Good King Wenceslas (0:28) | Google Translate |
I saw Three Ships (0:17) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (0:39) | Google Translate |
Jolly Old St. Nicholas (0:25) | Google Translate |
O Christmas Tree (0:33) | Google Translate |
Surfin’ Santa (0:49) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Canada (English – Canada)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Toronto. Please switch your Amazon Echo to English / Canada to enjoy 36 Alexa songs“
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 19 songs from our last update, we’ve found 19 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, sing a song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a song!
AI Samba (NEW!) (1:17) | Google Translate |
Alexa Theme Song (0:42) | Google Translate |
Are we there yet (NEW!) (0:37) | Google Translate |
Cat Charleston! (NEW!) (0:37) | Google Translate |
Christmas Rap (NEW!) (0:54) | Google Translate |
Country Song / It’s raining in the cloud (1:00) It’s raining in the cloud (1:00) | Google Translate |
Halloween Rap (NEW!) (1:32) | Google Translate |
Happy Birthday to you – Chiptune (NEW!) (0:27) | Google Translate |
Happy Birthday to you – Jazz (NEW!) (0:27) | Google Translate |
Hooray for Chocolate! (0:50) | Google Translate |
It’s raining in the cloud (NEW!) (1:01) Lonesome Prairie – Thanks, Brandon | Google Translate |
Sand Beneath Your Toes (0:46) | Google Translate |
Surfin’ Santa (0:48) | Google Translate |
The Ballad of the Broken S’more (NEW!) (1:09) | Google Translate |
The No Body Blues (1:31) | Google Translate |
The Pirate Song (0:36) | Google Translate |
The Rock Song (1:17) | Google Translate |
The Space Song (1:47) | Google Translate |
Things that Go Bump in the Night (NEW!) (1:09) | Google Translate |
Trick or Treat Boo (NEW!) (1:50) | Google Translate |
Will you Marry Me (NEW!) (0:18) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing the National Anthem
“O Canada” by Bobby Bazini (NEW!) (1:33) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” by Johnny Orlando (NEW!) (1:32) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” by Josh Ramsay (NEW!) (1:40) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” by The Reklaws (NEW!) (1:30) | Google Translate |
Alexa, rap for me!
Google Translate: Alexa, rap for me!
Alexa Rap (0:18) | Google Translate |
Alexa Rap (0:23) | Google Translate |
April Fools (NEW!) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a Lullaby
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a lullaby!
Drift away on the Cloud (1:06) Drift Away / Lullaby | Google Translate |
Alexa, sing a love song
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a love song!
Love Song (0:57) | Google Translate |
This is What I Think of Love (0:50) | Google Translate |
Alexa, wash my hands!
If you’d like to make sure that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, try this instead of a timer:
Wash your hands (NEW!) (0:28) | Google Translate |
Alexa currently knows only one hand-washing song, nevertheless we found some ways to make hand-washing more fun: Alexa, Wash my Hands! The fun way of Hand-washing! But you can of course also use any bold italic song from this post.
Alexa, sing a Christmas song!
Google Translate: Alexa, sing a Christmas Song!
Deck the Halls (0:26) | Google Translate |
Jingle Bells (0:38) | Google Translate |
We Wish You A Merry Christmas (0:26) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Spain (Español – Spain)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Madrid. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Español / España and enjoy the amazing 42 Alexa tunes! There is a beauty in the fact that this Alexa only sings a capella.”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 26 songs from our last update, we’ve found 16 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, canta una canción (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, canta una canción
Please note, as two Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of those two songs you’d like to hear.
A mi burro (a capella) (1:05) | Google Translate |
Ahora que vamos despacio. (a capella) (1:53) | Google Translate |
Al Pasar La Barca. (a capella) (0:35) | Google Translate |
Arroz con Leche (NEW!) (a capella) (1:10) | Google Translate |
Caballo Trotón. (a capella) (1:12) | Google Translate |
Chocolala (NEW!) (a capella) (0:19) | Google Translate |
Cinco lobitos (NEW!) (a capella) (0:18) | Google Translate |
Cucú cantaba la rana (a capella) (0:38) | Google Translate |
Debajo un botón (NEW!) (a capella) (0:22) | Google Translate |
Don Melitón (a capella) (0:46) | Google Translate |
Dónde están las llaves (NEW!) (a capella) (0:35) | Google Translate |
El cocherito Leré (NEW!) (a capella) (0:37) | Google Translate |
El patio de mi casa (NEW!) (a capella) (0:44) | Google Translate |
El Señor Don Gato. (a capella) (1:37) | Google Translate |
Hola Don Pepito. (a capella) (0:42) | Google Translate |
La chata merenguela. (a capella) (1:30) | Google Translate |
La cucaracha (a capella) (1:05) | Google Translate |
La hormiguita. (a capella) (1:42) | Google Translate |
La vaca Lola (a capella) (0:57) | Google Translate |
Los dias de la semana (NEW!) (a capella) (0:54) * | Google Translate |
Los meses del año (NEW!) (a capella) (0:56) * | Google Translate |
Los números (NEW!) (a capella) (1:03) Soy uno | Google Translate |
Mi barba tiene tres pelos (NEW!) (a capella) (0:46) | Google Translate |
Pin Pon es un muñeco (NEW!) (a capella) (1:02) | Google Translate |
Pinocho fue a pescar (NEW!) (a capella) (0:47) | Google Translate |
Que llueva, que llueva. (a capella) (0:29) | Google Translate |
Saco una manita (NEW!) (a capella) (0:32) | Google Translate |
Sol solecito (a capella) (0:26) | Google Translate |
Soy la reina de los mares. (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Tengo, tengo, tengo. (a capella) (0:31) | Google Translate |
Un barquito chiquitito. (a capella) (1:06) | Google Translate |
Un Elefante Se Balanceaba. (a capella) (0:56) | Google Translate |
Yo tengo una casita (NEW!) (a capella) (0:52) | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción de cuna (Lullabies)
Google Translate: Alexa, canta una canción de cuna
A la nanita nana (a capella) (1:13) | Google Translate |
Arrorró mi niño. (a capella) (1:23) | Google Translate |
Buenas noches mi amor. (a capella) (0:37) | Google Translate |
Duérmete mi niño. (a capella) (0:53) | Google Translate |
El pollito lito. (a capella) (0:47) | Google Translate |
Estrellita dónde estás. (a capella) (0:23) | Google Translate |
La lechuza. (a capella) (0:43) | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción de amor (Love Song)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una canción de amor“
Dicen que no nos queremos (a capella) (0:41) | Google Translate |
Los amentes de Teruel (NEW!) (a capella) (0:50) * | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Mexico (Español – México)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Mexico City. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Español / México and enjoy the 44 Alexa songs!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 16 songs from our last update, we’ve found 28 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, canta una canción (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, canta una canción
Please note, as nine Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of those songs you’d like to hear.
A la Vibora de la Mar (NEW!) (a capella) (0:47) | Google Translate |
Alexa Asistente Personal (0:25) * | Google Translate |
Arre Borriquito (NEW!) (a capella) (0:15) | Google Translate |
Canción de los abuelos (NEW!) (1:06) | Google Translate |
Canción de los marineros (NEW!) (0:36) | Google Translate |
Canción de Rock (NEW!) (a capella) (0:48) | Google Translate |
Canción del chocolate (NEW!) (0:49) | Google Translate |
Canción del espacio (NEW!) (1:42) I am sure nobody heard that yet =) | Google Translate |
Canción quien pompo (NEW!) (a capella) (0:58) | Google Translate |
Cielito Lindo (NEW!) (a capella) (0:27) | Google Translate |
Cucu cantaba la rana (NEW!) (0:48) * | Google Translate |
El patio de mi casa (NEW!) (0:43) * | Google Translate |
Energia (NEW!) (3:50) 😳 | Google Translate |
Estrellita (NEW!) (a capella) (0:25) | Google Translate |
La Bamba (a capella) (0:44) | Google Translate |
la canción Touchdown (0:30) | Google Translate |
La cucaracha (NEW!) (a capella) (0:56) | Google Translate |
La Estrella Fugaz (0:57) | Google Translate |
La lechuza. (NEW!) (a capella) (0:31) | Google Translate |
La Pedida (0:22) * | Google Translate |
La Posada (NEW!) (0:50) | Google Translate |
La relación perfecta (NEW!) (1:13) | Google Translate |
La vaca Lola (NEW!) (a capella) (0:42) | Google Translate |
Las Chicas de la Ciencia Ficción (0:51) | Google Translate |
Las mañanitas (NEW!) (0:30) * | Google Translate |
Llueve en la Nube (0:54) It’s raining in the cloud | Google Translate |
Los Antojitos (0:34) | Google Translate |
Los elefantes (NEW!) (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Los pollitos (NEW!) (a capella) (0:28) | Google Translate |
Musical de Alexa (NEW!) (1:05) Happy in the Cloud / * | Google Translate |
Pin Pon (NEW!) (a capella) (0:48) | Google Translate |
Piratas (0:37) The Pirate Song / * | Google Translate |
Que llueva, que llueva (NEW!) (a capella) (0:13) | Google Translate |
Rap de Alexa (NEW!) (0:14) My name is Alexa | Google Translate |
Rap de papa (NEW!) (0:14) | Google Translate |
Rap del Taco (0:19) | Google Translate |
Rap Street Marketing (0:23) Touchdown | Google Translate |
SciFi Heroines (0:51) * | Google Translate |
Súper Heroína (0:45) Cancion de mama / Summer Song / * | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción de cuna (Lullabies)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una canción de cuna“
Duérmete mi niño (NEW!) (a capella) (0:46) * | Google Translate |
Sol Solecito (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción de amor (Love Song)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una canción de amor“
Oda al Amor (0:54) una canción de amor / Love song | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción navideña (Christmas Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, canta una canción navideña
Carción de Navidad (0:39) Jingle Bells | Google Translate |
Los peces en el rio (NEW!) (a capella) (0:48) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in the United States (Español – United)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching New York. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Español / Estados Unidos and enjoy 36 Alexa tunes! Ahem, this Alexa might need to practice some of her songs.”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 22 songs from our last update, we’ve found 14 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, canta una canción (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, canta una canción
Please note, as four Alexa Spanish song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of those songs you’d like to hear.
Beatbox (NEW!) (a capella) (0:08) 2 versions | Google Translate |
Beatbox (NEW!) (a capella) (0:08) 2 versions | Google Translate |
Canción de mama (NEW!) (1:00) | Google Translate |
Canción de Thanksgiving (NEW!) (0:34) 😳 | Google Translate |
Canción del Dia de Muertos (NEW!) (1:09) Things that go bump in the nicht / Halloween song | Google Translate |
Canta una serenata (NEW!) (1:14) | Google Translate |
Prendida (NEW!) (1:26) Dimelo / * | Google Translate |
El burrito sabanero (NEW!) (a capella) (0:54) | Google Translate |
Football Song (0:30) * | Google Translate |
Estrellita (a capella) (0:27) | Google Translate |
La Bamba (a capella) (0:43) | Google Translate |
La Estrella Fugaz (0:57) 😳 | Google Translate |
La lechuza. (NEW!) (a capella) (0:31) | Google Translate |
La Pedida (0:16) * | Google Translate |
La posada (NEW!) (a capella) (1:10) | Google Translate |
Llueve en la Nube (0:54) 😳 | Google Translate |
Los Antojitos (0:33) | Google Translate |
Los Elefantes (a capella) (0:20) | Google Translate |
Los peces en el rio (a capella) (0:48) | Google Translate |
Musical (1:05) Happy in the Cloud | Google Translate |
Oda al amor (0:49) | Google Translate |
Pin Pon (0:53) * | Google Translate |
Que llueva (a capella) (0:11) | Google Translate |
Rap de Alexa (0:15) My name is Alexa | Google Translate |
Rap del amigo (0:43) | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción de cuna (Lullabies)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una canción de cuna“
Duérmete nino (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Sol Solecito (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canción navideña (Christmas Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, canta una canción navideña
Arre borriquito (a capella) (0:18) | Google Translate |
Campana sobre campana (a capella) (1:12) | Google Translate |
Canta tu jingle (NEW!) (0:38) Jingle Bells / * | Google Translate |
Canta tu villancico (NEW!) (1:26) Deck the halls | Google Translate |
Dulce navidad (a capella) (0:35) Deck the halls | Google Translate |
Noche de paz (a capella) (0:37) Silent night | Google Translate |
Rap de Navidad (NEW!) (a capella) (0:25) | Google Translate |
Rodolfo el reno (NEW!) (a capella) (1:00) | Google Translate |
Ya llegó la Navidad (a capella) (0:30) Jingle Bells | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Canada (Français – Canada)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Montreal. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Français / Canada to enjoy 39 Alexa songs!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 16 songs from our last update, we’ve found 23 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, chante une chanson (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante une chanson
Please note, as eight Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of those songs you’d like to hear.
À la claire fontaine (a capella) (1:53) | Google Translate |
Alouette (a capella) (2:21) | Google Translate |
Au clair de la lune (a capella) (1:32) | Google Translate |
Ca demenage! (NEW!) (0:12) | Google Translate |
Dans l’espace (1:43) Chanson de l’espace / Space Song | Google Translate |
Depuis le nuage (NEW!) (1:04) | Google Translate |
Frère Jacques (a capella) (0:15) | Google Translate |
Halloween boo (1:49) * | Google Translate |
I don’t care (NEW!) (1:36) Duet / Alexa with Ed Sheehan/ * | Google Translate |
la chanson de la fête des mères (NEW!) (0:24) | Google Translate |
La chanson du football (0:31) Touchdown | Google Translate |
La chanson Roc (NEW!) (1:17) | Google Translate |
La guimauve (NEW!) (1:11) The Ballad of the Broken S’more | Google Translate |
La menage (NEW!) (1:04) * | Google Translate |
La samba de l’IA (1:16) | Google Translate |
Lavez vos mains (NEW!) (0:30) Wash my hands / * | Google Translate |
Le blues de l’IA (1:32) No Body Blues / * | Google Translate |
Les charleston des chats (NEW!) (0:38) * | Google Translate |
Merci de me dire que vous m’aimez! (NEW!) (0:20) response to je t’aime | Google Translate |
On arrive-tu? (NEW!) (0:37) * | Google Translate |
On est amis! (NEW!) (0:18) * | Google Translate |
Alexa, chante une chanson d’amour (Love Song)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante une chanson d’amour
Ce que je pense de l‘amour (0:52) This is what I think of love | Google Translate |
Alexa, chante une berceuse (Lullaby)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante une berceuse
Sur un nuage (1:06) | Google Translate |
Alexa, rap pour moi (Rap)
Google Translate: Alexa, rap pour moi
Mon nom est Alexa (NEW!) (0:21) My name is Alexa / * | Google Translate |
Sois humble (0:24) Connect synch link / * | Google Translate |
Alexa, chante joyeux anniversaire (Happy Birthday)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante joyeux anniversaire
Bonne fete a toi (NEW!) (a capella) (0:13) * | Google Translate |
Felicitations (NEW!) (0:19) * | Google Translate |
Joyeux anniversaire! (NEW!) (0:26) (en 8-bit) | Google Translate |
Joyeux anniversaire! (NEW!) (0:27) (version jazz) | Google Translate |
Alexa, chante une chanson de Noël (Christmas Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante une chanson de Noël
La Noel du Campeur (0:46) Surfing Santa / * | Google Translate |
Le petit renne au nez rouge (a capella) (1:06) * | Google Translate |
Mon beau sapin (0:34) O Christmas tree / * | Google Translate |
Vive le vent (0:46) Jingle Bells / * | Google Translate |
Alexa, chante l’hymne national (National)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante l’hymne national
“O Canada” par Alanis Morissette (NEW!) (1:24) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” par Bobby Bazini (NEW!) (1:30) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” par Johnny Orlando (NEW!) (1:30) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” par Josh Ramsay (NEW!) (1:37) | Google Translate |
“O Canada” par The Reklaws (NEW!) (1:30) | Google Translate |
O Canada (NEW!) (0:55) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in France (Français – France)
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Paris. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Français / France and enjoy 38 Alexa melodies!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 24 songs from our last update, we’ve found 14 new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, chante une chanson (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante une chanson
Please note, as 12 Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of the songs you’d like to hear.
Alouette (a capella) (0:27) | Google Translate |
Au clair de la lune (a capella) (0:35) | Google Translate |
Aux marches du palais (0:42) * | Google Translate |
Bienvenue 2022! (NEW!) (0:41) * | Google Translate |
Chanson du rangement (NEW!) (1:05) * | Google Translate |
Fiers d’être Français (1:10) Colonel Doggie | Google Translate |
Frère Jacques (a capella) (0:13) | Google Translate |
L’empire des chats (NEW!) (0:40) * | Google Translate |
La Chanson à boire (0:36) Pirate Song | Google Translate |
La Chanson de l’Alphabet (0:14) | Google Translate |
La Chanson de l’Amour (NEW!) (1:10) Drift Away | Google Translate |
La chanson de la moustache (NEW!) (0:30) Touchdown | Google Translate |
La Chanson de la Technologie (a capella) (0:45) Technology | Google Translate |
La chanson du printemps (0:37) | Google Translate |
La Chanson du Tour de France (0:51) It’s raining in the cloud | Google Translate |
La Chanson Philosophe (0:45) Summer Song | Google Translate |
La chasse aux easter eggs (0:54) * | Google Translate |
La musique tricolore (NEW!) (0:50) Technology | Google Translate |
La samba du cloud (NEW!) (1:17) * | Google Translate |
La tournée fantastique (NEW!) (1:17) * | Google Translate |
Le Blues de Personne (1:30) No body blues | Google Translate |
Le chanson geek (NEW!) (0:52) Model of a digital intelligence / * | Google Translate |
Le Rap Chocolat (0:14) | Google Translate |
Les lois de la météo (0:18) Never gonna give you up (Thank you, Dylan!) | Google Translate |
Les mots compliqués (NEW!) (0:50) * | Google Translate |
Mes fonctionnalités (0:23) * | Google Translate |
Passion ballon rond (0:27) Touchdown | Google Translate |
Sur le pont d’Avignon (0:45) * | Google Translate |
Un rêve en orbite (NEW!) (1:47) Space Song / * | Google Translate |
une chanson d’amour (NEW!) (1:08) Things that go bump in the night | Google Translate |
Une souris verte (a capella) (0:22) | Google Translate |
Alexa, chante une chanson de Noël (Christmas Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, chante une chanson de Noël
Please note, as three Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a Christmas song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of those songs you’d like to hear.
Le duo de Noël (NEW!) (0:55) * | Google Translate |
Le Noël de Alexa (NEW!) (0:42) * | Google Translate |
Mon beau sapin (0:32) | Google Translate |
Noël blanc (a capella) (0:59) | Google Translate |
Petit Garcon (a capella) (1:12) | Google Translate |
Petit papa Noël (a capella) (2:51) * | Google Translate |
Vive le vent (0:38) Jingle Bells | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Italy (Italiano – Italia)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Rome. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Italiano / Italia and enjoy 18 Alexa tongue-twisters and songs!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 18 songs from our last update, we’ve found nothing new on our last trip. Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, canta una canzone (Songs)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una canzone“
Please note, as five Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of those songs you’d like to hear.
Apelle figlio di Apollo (a capella) (0:09) | Google Translate |
Canta con Gianni Morandi – Duet (2:42) * | Google Translate |
Ero in bottega (a capella) (0:48) | Google Translate |
Felice nel mio cloud. (1:04) Happy in the cloud! / * | Google Translate |
Fra Martino (0:13) * | Google Translate |
Giro giro tondo (a capella) (0:08) | Google Translate |
I due liocorni (1:34) * | Google Translate |
Il canto dell’addio (a capella) (0:21) | Google Translate |
La bella lavandarina (a capella) (0:22) | Google Translate |
La canzone del cioccolato. (0:50) | Google Translate |
La canzone della settimana (a capella) (0:54) | Google Translate |
Nella vecchia fattoria (a capella) (1:26) | Google Translate |
Oh che bel castello (a capella) (0:35) | Google Translate |
Piove piove (a capella) (0:11) | Google Translate |
Tech Rap (0:23) * | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una ninna nanna (Lullabies)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una ninna nanna“
Ninna Nanna ninna oh (a capella) (0:18) * | Google Translate |
Scivolar su una nuvola (1:06) Drift away / * | Google Translate |
Alexa, canta una canzone d’amore (Love Song)
Google Translate: “Alexa, canta una canzone d’amore“
Una canzone d’amore (a capella) (0:32) | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Brasil (Português – Brasil)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching, São Paulo. Please switch your Amazon Echo to Português / Brasil and enjoy the lovely 41 Alexa tunes!”
Dear frequent flyers, please note, additionally to the 7 songs from our last update, we’ve found 34 (!) new songs on our last trip, indicated by (NEW!). Songs suitable for hand-washing are bold italic (between 20 and 30 seconds long).
Alexa, cante uma música (Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, cante uma música
Please note, as eight Alexa song titles (*) play some song from Amazon Music, we have corrected them to just request “a song” in the Google Translate link. You’ll need to repeat this request, until Alexa sings one of the songs you’d like to hear.
Axé music da Alexa (NEW!) (0:44) | Google Translate |
Baiao da Alexa (NEW!) (1:05) | Google Translate |
Bloco da Alexa (NEW!) (0:29) | Google Translate |
Borboletinha (NEW!) (a capella) (0:17) | Google Translate |
Canção das Redes Sociais (NEW!) (0:46) Technology | Google Translate |
Cancao de Amor (0:56) Love Song | Google Translate |
Cancao do Espaco (1:43) | Google Translate |
Canta Smelly Cat (NEW!) (0:12) * | Google Translate |
Cantar um reggae (NEW!) (1:07) | Google Translate |
Caranguejo nao e Peixe (NEW!) (a capella) (0:16) | Google Translate |
Cirandinha (NEW!) (a capella) (0:23) | Google Translate |
Estamos chegando (0:38) | Google Translate |
Fruta favorita da Luna (NEW!) (0:57) * | Google Translate |
Hino do Ceara (NEW!) (a capella) (0:36) | Google Translate |
Ja estamos chegando (NEW!) (0:38) Samba da IA | Google Translate |
Joias, doces, flores (0:22) | Google Translate |
Marchinha da Alexa! (NEW!) (0:29) uma marchinha de Carnaval | Google Translate |
Mariana Alecrim Dourado (NEW!) (0:26) * | Google Translate |
Melo da torradeira (NEW!) (0:29) * | Google Translate |
Musica da Pombinha Branca (NEW!) (0:32) * | Google Translate |
Musica das Crianças (NEW!) (1:17) | Google Translate |
Musica do Papai Noel Surfista (NEW!) (0:48) Surfin Santa | Google Translate |
Musica Errada (NEW!) (a capella) (0:08) multiple versions | Google Translate |
Musical (NEW!) (1:06) Happy in the Cloud | Google Translate |
Natal das Crianças (NEW!) (a capella) (1:05) | Google Translate |
Nobody Blues (1:29) No body Blues / * | Google Translate |
O sapo nao lava o pe (NEW!) (a capella) (0:10) | Google Translate |
Olha a Quadrilha (NEW!) (1:01) * | Google Translate |
Pede para o Papai Noel cantar (NEW!) (3:29) | Google Translate |
Peixe Vivo (NEW!) (a capella) (0:24) | Google Translate |
Rap das mina (NEW!) (0:52) | Google Translate |
Ritmo de funk (NEW!) (a capella) (0:12) | Google Translate |
Samba da IA (NEW!) (1:16) | Google Translate |
Sapantinho de Natal. (NEW!) (0:37) * | Google Translate |
Scooby-Doo dos 7 mares (NEW!) (a capella) (0:16) | Google Translate |
Se essa rua fosse minha (NEW!) (a capella) (0:49) | Google Translate |
Sertanejo! (NEW!) (1:24) | Google Translate |
Sopa de barata. (NEW!) (a capella) (0:23) | Google Translate |
Uhul, tecnologia (a capella) (0:45) Technology | Google Translate |
Vamos nos demitir (NEW!) (a capella) (0:12) | Google Translate |
Alexa, cante uma canção de natal (Christmas Songs)
Google Translate: Alexa, cante uma canção de natal
Música de Natal! (1:05) multiple versions | Google Translate |
Alexa sings in Japan (日本語-日本)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks to our co-pilot Brandon, who discovered this country in our comment section below, we are approaching our final destination, Tokyo. Please switch your Amazon Echo to 日本語-日本 and enjoy 22 lovely songs!”
アレクサ 歌を歌って (Songs)
Google Translate: アレクサ 歌を歌って
ABCの歌 (NEW!) (0:27) ABC song | Google Translate |
Dance! Dance! Dance!~… (NEW!) (1:02) | Google Translate |
Good Morning (NEW!) (1:24) | Google Translate |
アルプス一万尺 (NEW!) (0:29) Alps 10,000 shaku | Google Translate |
アルプス一万尺を全部歌って (NEW!) (9:27) | Google Translate |
おやすみなさいの歌 1番 (NEW!) (1:05) Good night song No. 1 / Drift away | Google Translate |
お祭りわっしょい (NEW!) (1:02) Festival | Google Translate |
キミへのエール (NEW!) (1:15) Ale to you | Google Translate |
ゴーゴーソング (NEW!) (0:36) Pirate Song – Thanks, Brandon | Google Translate |
シューベルトの子守歌 (NEW!) (3:20) Schubert’s childhood song | Google Translate |
テクノロジーソング (NEW!) (a capella) (0:48) Technology song / Woohoo Technology – Thanks Brandon | Google Translate |
マイドリーム (NEW!) (1:07) My dream / Happy in the Cloud | Google Translate |
ゆりかごのうた (NEW!) (3:20) Cradle song | Google Translate |
ラブソング (NEW!) (0:55) Love Song – Thanks, Brandon | Google Translate |
レッツはみがき (NEW!) (3:01) Let’s Brush | Google Translate |
仰げば尊し 青春バージョン (NEW!) (1:08) Aogeba Tohoku Youth Version | Google Translate |
大切なもの (NEW!) (1:32) Important things | Google Translate |
宇宙の歌 (NEW!) (1:44) Universe song / Space Song | Google Translate |
広い世界へ (NEW!) (a capella) (1:48) To the wide world | Google Translate |
明日はきっと (NEW!) (1:32) I’m sure tomorrow | Google Translate |
私の名前 (NEW!) (0:41) My name is Alexa | Google Translate |
関西弁の歌 (NEW!) (1:25) Kansai dialect song | Google Translate |
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve safely landed back on your couch.
Who would have thought that Alexa knows so many languages, dialects, and songs? And, who would have thought that we can travel the musical world with our Amazon Echos for free, from home, from our couch?
On behalf of the crew, I hope you’ve enjoyed our little musical world trip, and we see you again soon on board of smartenlight airlines. If yes, please consider helping this living post to grow by sharing it with friends and family.
If you have found any news songs, please share them with all of us below! You can subscribe to receive notifications when we’re updating this post.
Happy international singing! =)
P.S. You don’t have to, but you can now switch your Amazon Echo back to your language.
P.P.S. You can find more Alexa posts here: Amazon Alexa
5 Alexas singing a musical? 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇺🇮🇳
Enjoy our Alexa Joke Animations and Alexa Song Remixes on YouTube!
And our amazing Musical World Trip with 518 Alexa Songs and All the Alexa Music Commands!
I asked Alexa to sing the “Cancion de Rock” but it was not a capella. Somehow it was a non-instrumental song to the tune of “Surfin Santa” from Alexa’s Christmas album.
Sorry about this. My real name is Brendan, but you can keep calling me Brandon.
While adding our new remix – “5 Alexas sing a musical” (yes, Alexa from 🇺🇸🇦🇺🇨🇦🇮🇳 🇬🇧 singing together at – we realized that Alexa can also sing with her male voice “Alexa, switch your voice”.
Friends, a VERY BIG update:
– We found 238(!) new songs. We can enjoy now 518 Alexa songs worldwide!
– Thanks to Brandon, we have a new destination: Japan!
– All the songs – even in English – have now Google Translate links, so you can travel all countries from wherever you are!
– Enjoy & Share! =)
I think “Sur un nuage” is a French version of “Drift Away” but I might be wrong.
Alexa can sing in Japanese! Here is a concept for the landing on Japan:
Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Tokyo. Please switch your Amazon Echo to 日本語-日本 and enjoy the tunes!
テクノロジーソング – Woohoo Technology
ラブソング – Love Song
ゴーゴーソング – Pirate Song
あなたの名前 – Alexa’s Theme
😳🤩👨✈️ブランドン大尉、ありがとうございます。フライトスケジュールはまもなく更新されます。🙌🙏 🛩🗼
Wait! Lonesome Prairie is also in Canadian English, as another response to ask Alexa to sing It’s Raining In The Cloud.
😳 Great find!
I wonder if there’s a European version and an Indian version of Drift Away on the Cloud.
If there’s all these new songs, how come Alexa sings Lonesome Prairie every single morning?
me too!! Except with us it’s every afternoon and we can’t get her to stop!!
I was saying I love you once she busted out a song about saying I love you and she was my happy and. Repeating just saying I love you. Haven’t been able to trigger it since
Thank you, great find! “Alexa, sing I love you!” ❤️
There is even a song made for 2020’s carnival in Brazilian Portuguese, but I am not sure if it is still on. If I say “Alexa, cante uma marchinha de Carnaval”, it sings another carnival song. Anyway, “Samba da IA” (AI Samba) was the one from 2020:
New Remix online! This time we picked one of our favorites: “Alexa, sing Lonesome Prairie”, enjoy!
BIG UPDATE: What a flight! 😳 We found 67 new wonderful Alexa songs from all around the world! ☺️ We are at 288 Alexa songs now. 😃 For frequent flyers: new songs are in green. 🤓 Songs with links in English US point to our cartoon remixes. 😎 Many new lullabies! Check them out! 😴
Language – Country – new / total
French – Canada 🇨🇦 13 / 17
Spanish – Spain 🇪🇸 8 / 26
Italian – Italy 🇮🇹 8 / 18
French – France 🇫🇷 7 / 26
German – Germany 🇩🇪 6 / 20
Spanish – U.S. 🇺🇸 6 / 24
English – Australia 🇦🇺 5 / 26
Spanish – Mexico 🇲🇽 5 / 20
English – U.S: 🇺🇸 1 / 55
English – U.K. 🇬🇧 3 / 19
English – Canada 🇨🇦 4 / 17
Português – Brasil 🇧🇷 1 / 7
English – India 🇮🇳 0 / 13
New remix online: “Model of a Digital Intelligence,” enjoy!
Hi, love this!
Do you know if there’s a way to get Alexa to sing *all* of her songs, please? My daughter loves dancing to them, and I’d love to be able to just put them on for her for a few minutes while I go for a shower!
Oh, thank you! ☺️ That would be a nice feature, we tried everything, but she only sings one song.
An easy option for multiple songs could be our YouTube channel. We have a hopefully soon growing Cartoon playlist with 10 Alexa song remixes, maybe she likes them? 😃
Another other option we’ve tested for you are Alexa Routines. But here, you can create only:
a) a routine that repeats the same song “My name is Alexa” as many times as you like (boring?), or
b) a routine where she only sings two songs. Starting with “My name is Alexa” and then a random song, usually a long one.
Creating Alexa Routines is easy, and we have an Alexa Cartoon and post for that too. ☺️
For a) you’ll need the action: “Alexa Says” / “Sing a song”. You can add as many of those actions to the routines as you like, but they currently only play the same song.
For b) add the action “Alexa Says” / “Sing a song” for the “My name is Alexa song” and then the action “Custom” and add the command “sing another song”. This action can only be added once at it has to be at the end of the routine.
Routines are quite interesting, you could use them also for immersive storytelling for your daughter. We have a little bedtime story Cartoon with Alexa, Siri and Google where they demonstrate their routines, the “Three Little Monkeys“.
Hope your daughter will soon learn to say “Alexa, sing another song” ☺️
There is a song about Plants! I said “Alexa, sing a song about planets”, and she heard “plants”. We went with it. 😂
Found a new lullaby: Lonesome Prairie
You can pick the cowgirl or the cowboy version:
Alexa, sing a cowgirl song
Alexa, sing a cowboy song
We’ve added 8 German, 5 UK English, 3 Indian English, 7 Australian English, 3 Canadian English, 2 Mexican Spanish, 6 US Spanish, 3 Canadian French, 6 French, 1 Brasilian Christmas songs! (+8 new Australian English songs)
p.s. Updated post date and song count. We’re from 170 now at 222 songs.
Found two more lovely songs: the lullaby “Drift Away” and “The Space Song”
Alexa, sing a musical or Alexa sing happy in the cloud.
Thank you, Kim!
Wow, that’s a beautiful song! Added, so we have 168 songs now =)
In French there is also “Never gonna give you up”-Rick astley sung by Alexa in French
Thank you Dylan! Found it, and added you. There’s also a version in German =)